
How to Apply Concrete Sealer With a Pump Sprayer 

 March 12, 2025

By  Dale Keese

Pump sprayers are one of the most efficient ways to apply sealer on concrete. It’s easy enough to do on your own too, so you get to save money on labor costs. But what’s the best way to seal concrete using a pump sprayer?

Sealing concrete with a pump sprayer is simple. Just remember to prepare the concrete properly first by ensuring it’s thoroughly cleaned. Fill in the sprayer tank with the concrete sealer following the manufacturer’s directions, then begin spraying sealer using several thick coats.

There’s more to learn when it comes to using a pump sprayer to seal concrete. Read on below to learn more.

Applying Concrete Sealer With a Pump Sprayer

Pump sprayers are an easy and efficient way to apply concrete sealer.

However, it’s important to know the steps involved for proper application.

Preparing Concrete

Before you apply concrete sealer, preparing the concrete is critical to smooth and even application. The surface must be completely clean so that the sealer can effectively penetrate the surface.

What You’ll Need:

There are a few things you will need to prepare concrete for sealing. Below are recommendations from Amazon (note: we earn a small commission should you decide to purchase any of them):

-   Hard-bristled brush for sweeping up dirt and debris from concrete

-   Paint stripper for removing paint and stains from concrete surface

-   Scrub brush with hard bristles for agitating the paint from concrete surface

-   Power washer with at least 3000 PSI strength for cleaning the concrete before sealing

-   Concrete sealer

-   Pump sprayer for application of concrete sealer

-   Roller brush for following up with a second and third coat of sealer after spraying to ensure more uniform coverage


Below is a general process for preparing then applying concrete sealer correctly. You can modify or skip steps as needed as long as you ensure that the concrete surface is completely free from dirt, stains, paint, and debris before you seal it. In addition, always follow the manufacturer’s directions to be sure.

  1. Use the hard-bristled brush for sweeping up dirt and debris.
  2. If the concrete has previous layers of paint or may have any oil stains on it, apply a generous amount of paint stripper on the surface.
  3. Allow it to sit for 4 up to 24 hours; the paint remover will need to sit a longer period of time to remove paint compared to stains, depending on the manufacturer’s directions. Afterwards, agitate it using the scrub brush.
  4. Connect the power washer to a water source, always following the power washer’s operating manual. Give the concrete a good wash to get rid of any excess paint and dirt that have been lodged into parts of the surface.
  5. Allow the concrete to completely dry for 24 hours before proceeding to seal it.
  6. Get the pump sprayer ready for sealing. Use the right nozzle based on the pump sprayer’s operating manual, and be sure to use the correct nozzle settings for even application. Ideally, use a fan-shaped spray that can deliver 0.5 gallon or 1 gallon per minute.
  7. Start pumping out sealer by applying several thin coats as opposed to one heavy coat. Maintain as consistent a pump pressure as possible as you work through the concrete surface area.
  8. Dip the roller into the concrete sealer to follow it up with one coat for even application. Apply a second coat going in the opposite direction. This step is especially important if you are working with a solvent-based concrete sealer.

Let the sealer dry for around 12 hours before exposing the surface to traffic. If possible, allow the concrete sealer to cure for up to 48 hours without being walked or driven on, for the best results.

Which Pump Sprayer Works Best for Concrete Sealer?

There are several different varieties of pump sprays in the market. Each of them are best suited for specific types of sealer products since the hose and gaskets can be made with different materials. Some can handle the chemicals in a solvent-based sealers while others cannot, and you may only end up damaging the sprayer.

The good news is that most pump sprayers can handle water-based concrete sealers with no problems. So before you buy a pump sealer, be sure that you know the kind of sealer you’ll be using it with.

These are the main types of sealer sprays you can use, and the corresponding types of sealer they are compatible with:

  1. Standard Pump Up Garden Sprayers: For water-based, film-forming sealers; should not be used with solvent-based concrete sealers
  2. Solvent-Resistant Pump Sprayers: For water and solvent-based concrete sealers; should not be used with penetrating sealers
  3. Airless or HVLP (High Velocity Low Pressure) Sprayers: For water and solvent-based sealers; should not be used with penetrating sealers

Last but not least, use a sprayer that can hold at least 20 ounces per pump. However, if the job is much bigger, you may need a sprayer that has at least 40 ounces in each pump.


Applying concrete sealer with a pump sprayer is fairly easy. Following the steps mentioned here will help increase your chances of success so that you have peace of mind your concrete is correctly sealed.

About the author

Hey, I'm Dale Keese.. thanks for reading.. hopefully this article can save you some time and trouble with your sealing job. I'm also in the process of making some video walk-throughs for youtube so check back soon! thanks

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