
When to Apply Paver Sealer: A Step-by-Step Guide 

 March 19, 2025

By  Dale Keese

Have you ever looked out on your patio or driveway to a an overflowing sea of dull, drab, and dreary-looking pavers? It’s a scene that can be described with one word: depressing. Now, imagine if that same patio, driveway, or walkway were freshly laid and sparkling with a vibrant sheen. It almost looks like a scene in a movie, right? You can achieve this drastic transformation in your outdoor area with the application of paver sealer.

The best time to apply a paver sealer is when temperatures are between 50°F and 90°F and the ground is dry. Additionally, make sure that no rain is expected for at least 24 hours after applying the sealer.

In this blog post, we’ll be discussing when to apply paver sealer and walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to do it correctly. Before you know it, you’ll have the outdoor space of your dreams. Read on to find out how!

Benefits of Applying Paver Sealer

Applying a sealer to outdoor pavers provides numerous benefits. It can protect them from rain, snow, and other elements; help prevent fading; and make it easier to clean the surface. Pavers that are sealed will last longer than those that aren’t--it’s especially important if they are in areas subject to frequent foot traffic or harsh weather conditions. Applying paver sealer can also enhance the aesthetic of the pavers by adding a glossy sheen and deepening the color of the material.

While there are many advantages to sealing pavers, there is also some debate about whether it is necessary for all outdoor projects. Some argue that sealing isn’t required for standard pavers made from concrete, brick, slate, or stone because their natural materials can typically withstand water and extreme temperatures without additional protection.

Those who advocate for sealing point out several reasons why it should still be done. First, even natural materials won’t last forever so sealing adds an extra layer of protection against common wear and tear such as cracking, chipping, and fading. Sealing can also reduce staining caused by dirt and debris, which makes it easier to keep your pavers looking nice in between cleaning. Additionally, a sealant helps prevent weeds and grass from growing between the crevices.

At the end of the day, both sides have valid arguments for or against applying sealer--it largely depends on the environment your pavers are in and your preferred level of maintenance. Now that you understand some of the benefits of protecting your outdoor surface with a sealant, it's time to learn how to prepare your pavers for application in our next section.

Preparing the Pavers for Application

In order to prepare the pavers for applying paver sealer, it is important to remove any dirt and debris that has accumulated over time. It is also advised to thoroughly clean the pavers with a stiff bristle brush to remove any remaining dirt or moss. Depending on the size of your paver project, you may also need to rent specialized cleaning equipment such as a power washer. However, it is always best to start with manually removing excess dirt and debris.

It is important to make sure that the pavers are completely dry before moving on to the next step. This includes waiting for a minimum of 24 hours after cleaning and letting the area dry out naturally in sunny, dry weather. For areas in more shaded regions, however, it may be necessary to wait up to 48 hours for the pavers to properly dry out.

It's essential that you take care when cleaning not only for aesthetic reasons but also to ensure that any sealants adhere correctly over the surface of the pavers. There has been some debate as to whether or not it is worth investing in specialized cleaning products or materials prior to application; some maintain these are necessary while others claim they provide no extra benefit and are thus unnecessary costs. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and what one sees fit for their particular situation.

No matter what side you decide to come down on, proper preparation and thorough cleaning of your pavers before application should not be overlooked as an important step in prolonging paver life expectancy and minimizing damage due to inadequate protection. With that said, let’s continue on with the guide by looking at how to give your pavers a thorough cleaning prior to properly applying sealer.

Thorough Cleaning

Thoroughly cleaning the pavers before sealer application is essential to ensure an even and lasting application. Sealer must be applied to a surface that is free of dirt, debris, oil, and any other potential contaminants. Pressure washing with an appropriate cleaner is recommended as an effective method for achieving this desired result.

However, it is important to note that pressure washers should be used with caution, as a unit that delivers too much pressure can cause damage to the pavers. If utilizing a pressure washer, the operator should always consult their owner's manual for the manufacturer's suggested settings for paver cleaning.

Additionally, some argue that the best way to adequately clean pavers is by hand with a brush-on cleaner and water. This can be labor intensive but allows one to target dirt on tougher crevices more. Each strategy has its own merits and may be preferable depending on the amount of dirt and the condition of the pavers.

Thorough cleaning of surfaces prior to paver sealer application is imperative if one is looking for long lasting results. It is best to assess both options in order to remain mindful of considerations regarding time, budget, efficacy, and safety. With a plan in place, you are now ready to move on to inspecting for damage which will be discussed in the following section.

Inspect for Damage

Inspecting for damage is a crucial step before applying a paver sealer to ensure the sealer is used on durable and stable pavers. If repair work needs to be done, it should be completed first. Performing an inspection can help identify any issues that may have occurred due to poor installation or drainage, freeze-thaw cycles, sun exposure, weed growth around edges, and other seasonal changes.

While some minor damage can be addressed with touch-up kits or sealant fillers, major damage requires more in-depth repairs such as using leveling sand or full replacement. Cracks, depressions, heaving caused by tree roots, significant weed growth, and visible tarnishing are all indications that repair work is necessary; if not addressed ahead of time, the sealant will not be able to properly bind to the surface of the paver and there could be discoloration or staining after the sealant has been applied.

Therefore, it’s important for homeowners to inspect pavers for damage prior to applying the sealant. For best results, consider engaging a professional who can provide an informed assessment of the pavers' condition and advise accordingly whether they need to undergo any repairs beforehand.

Now that we’ve discussed when to inspect for damage ahead of sealing pavers, let’s move on to the next step: timing and applying the paver sealer.

Timing and Applying the Paver Sealer

It's important to get the timing right when it comes to applying paver sealer. Paver sealers should only be applied during optimal weather conditions with temperatures between 50°F and 90°F for best results. Applying at extreme temperatures can result in poor-quality coverage, or could even cause damage to the pavers.

If you have any doubts about the current temperature levels, always double-check them with a thermometer before beginning work. Most professionals recommend waiting for at least 24 hours with no rain forecasted for the day you choose to apply; this will provide enough time for all of the moisture to evaporate from the pavers before you begin to apply the sealer.

The application process itself is relatively straightforward, but it should never be rushed: take your time throughout each stage of preparation and application to avoid mistakes that may lead to costly repairs. Begin by power washing both sides of the paving stones and then pressure washing them with a detergent solution. Wait at least 24 hours for the pavers to completely dry after washing before continuing.

Once everything is clean and dry, spread an even coat of sealer onto the pavers using a roller brush or standard paintbrush. Allow enough time after initial application for a second coat if desired—this will help enhance the durability and longevity of your sealant layer and make sure that every last area is properly covered. Finally, wait an additional 24-72 hours for the coating to dry before walking on it or using furniture on top of the newly sealed surface.

Some pros argue that it's ok to apply sealant during cold weather, as long as you allow extra time for additional coats; however, others maintain that failing to adhere to temperatures between 50°F and 90°F may result in less durability over time which could make repairs more difficult in future years. Ultimately, taking extra precautions against temperature changes will ensure your projects last longer while protecting against unnecessary damages along the way.

This brings us to our next section about ideal temperature, season, and weather — let’s explore further what environmental factors need to be considered when applying sealer on your paver projects!

Ideal Temperature, Season, and Weather

When it comes to applying paver sealer, temperature, season, and weather all play an important role. The general rule is that the temperature has to be above 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius). The temperature for the paver surface itself should be slightly warmer than the air temperature. This means that you should apply sealers in the warmer months of the year.

There are two kinds of sealers: water-based and solvent-based. While solvent-based sealers can generally tolerate a wider range of temperatures, they don’t provide the same level of protection as water-based sealers do when exposed to high temperatures. Because of this, it may be best to err on the side of caution and limit your application time to lower temperatures.

Weather also plays an important role in sealer success since any kind of rain will cause streak marks in the finish. It is important that you choose a day with no chance of significant precipitation or a low chance of dew overnight to give your sealer time to dry properly. Ideally, a calm day with higher humidity will be the most ideal for application.

All these parameters need to be taken into consideration if you want your paver project to look its best when finished. Failure to adhere to these guidelines could result in an uneven surface or inferior protection for your pavers.

Now that we have considered all aspects related to when ideal temperature, season and weather for paver sealer application, let’s take a look at what resources are available for this project in our next section.

In order to ensure the best results when applying paver sealer, temperature, season, and weather, all must be taken into consideration. The temperature should be above 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius) and slightly warmer than the air temperature. Water-based sealers provide better protection than solvent-based sealers in high temperatures, so it may be best to limit application time to lower temperatures.

Weather should also be watched, as any rain will cause streak marks in the finished sealer. A dry, calm day with higher humidity is best for application. Resources on paver sealer application can be found in the next section of the text.

Resources Available For Paver Sealer

When selecting resources for paver sealers, it is important to weigh the pros and cons. On one hand, hiring a professional contractor offers expertise in choosing the right sealant type, proper application, and land preparation. Additionally, many professional contractors are able to guarantee their work which gives an added sense of protection for the consumer. On the other hand, many DIYers choose to apply their own sealant in order to save money as well as gain satisfaction from completing the task themselves.

Regardless of whether or not you decide to hire a professional or go the route of DIY, there are a variety of helpful resources available that can provide guidance on preparation and application when using a paver sealer. Online resellers such as product blogs, Amazon reviews, and consumer ratings are great sources of product information and instructions. Additionally, manufacturers often have documentation outlining installation processes on their website which can be used as reference material before making a purchase.

With the right resources available it is possible to navigate through safety tips and get answers to your questions while trying to select paver sealant. Furthermore, the use of these resources helps ensure proper application techniques and assists with achieving the desired finish once complete. Now that we understand how to locate resources for paver sealer let’s discuss maintenance after application of the product.

Maintenance After Application

Once you have applied the paver sealer, it is important to protect the newly sealed surface from any potential damage. It is recommended that you do not allow any heavy objects or machinery to drive on the newly sealed surface within a week of application. It is also important to keep the area free of debris and dirt buildup by sweeping or vacuuming regularly.

In terms of cleaning and washing, it is argued whether or not you can use a pressure washer to clean the newly sealed pavers. Some experts suggest that using a pressure washer may remove some of the paver sealers and cause damage to the pavers; therefore, they recommend using a mild detergent and a broom with a light water spray instead.

However, other experts argue that a pressure washer set at low pressure should be safe for the pavers and sealer since it does not cause intrusive movement through the joints and is unlikely to cause any damage.

It is also important to ensure that all areas are completely dry before applying a second coat if necessary. A suitable time period can vary depending on air temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc. As such, it is likely best to err on the side of caution and wait at least 24-48 hours before applying a second coat.

To conclude this section on maintenance after application, it is essential to note that proper maintenance can help to extend the life of your paver sealer. With appropriate care, your pavers' color will remain vibrant for many years to come!

Now let's move on and discuss the next section - the conclusion. 


When it comes to deciding when to apply paver sealers, there are several variables to consider. Ideally, you should wait until the pavers have had six to eight months of exposure to the elements, as well as consistently dry weather and temperatures above 60°F before sealing. Prompt sealing can help lower the chances of staining, weeds invading your pavers, or a reduction in color due to environmental factors like UV exposure from the sun.

At the same time, some experts believe that it’s still beneficial for pavers to be sealed even if proper curing doesn’t occur. They argue that even if water is able to penetrate the surface over time, saw-cut joints will provide an adequate barrier between sand-filled joints and water. This means that water won’t penetrate all the way down into the pavers but will instead flow off in other directions.

Ultimately, whether immediate sealing is necessary depends on your particular circumstances. Depending on your region's climate and weather patterns, it may be wise to wait until your pavers go through a full season before applying sealer. This can help ensure that your investment in quality hardscaping lasts for many years without requiring expensive repairs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages of applying paver sealer?

Applying paver sealer has a number of benefits that make it a worthwhile endeavor for any homeowner or business. For starters, paver sealer helps protect the pavers from fading due to UV exposure and from staining from oil, grease, and other liquids. It also reduces weeds, moss, and algae growth between pavers, enhances colors, and helps keep debris out.

Additionally, paver sealers minimize water penetration which prevents underlying freeze-thaw damage while also preserving structural integrity and aiding in long-term paver maintenance. All in all, applying paver sealer can extend the life of your pavers and provide a beautiful, low-maintenance finish to your outdoor spaces.

How do I properly apply paver sealer?

Applying paver sealer is a relatively simple process that requires few tools and materials.

First, make sure the paver surface is completely dry and free of dirt and debris. Then, mix the paver sealer with water as directed on the package instructions. Use a scrub brush or broom to spread the solution evenly over the surface of the pavers.

Make sure to go over each section several times until it is completely saturated. After it has had adequate time to soak in, use a roller on an extension pole to fully coat the material with a thin layer of sealant. Finally, let the paver sealer dry completely before using or adding any other products to your pavers.

When doing this project on your own, be sure to wear protective equipment such as goggles and gloves throughout the entire process. Paver sealers contain chemicals which could be hazardous if touched without protection. Additionally, take care to avoid inhaling any fumes from these products as much as possible.

Following these steps will ensure that your pavers have a beautiful and long-lasting finish that will stand up against wear and tear from weathering, heavy foot traffic, and staining from spilled liquids.

What materials do I need to apply paver sealers?

In order to apply paver sealers correctly, you will need the following materials:

  1. Paver Sealer: You should select a paver sealer that is designed for use on your specific type of material. Make sure that the sealer is UV resistant and does not contain solvents or abrasives.
  2. Paint Roller and Tray: A roller with a thick nap is recommended for applying the sealer evenly over the surface. Also, make sure to get a roller tray that is deep enough to accommodate your paint roller so that you can avoid spilling excess sealer onto other areas.
  3. Paint Brush: This is used for detailing hard-to-reach spots and along the edges of pavers. An angled brush will help to ensure that the sealer goes into the joints between pavers which is important for creating a lasting bond.
  4. Sheet Plastic: Protect any surrounding plants, furniture, or other items in the area before applying paver sealer using sheet plastic.
  5. Rags or Drop Cloths: You'll need one or more rags or drop cloths on hand to help clean up any messes as you go along and after the job has been completed.

Having all these materials on hand will enable you to successfully apply paver sealer without causing any damage or unsightly results.

About the author

Hey, I'm Dale Keese.. thanks for reading.. hopefully this article can save you some time and trouble with your sealing job. I'm also in the process of making some video walk-throughs for youtube so check back soon! thanks

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