
How To Remove Sealer From Granite 

 June 5, 2022

By  Dale Keese

Removing granite sealer may be necessary if the sealer left hazy residue, or because it wasn’t applied properly.  However, it’s a costly job to outsource when you can do this on your own. But how do you remove granite sealer?

Chemical stripping products are an easy and effective way to remove granite sealer. Mechanical removal, which requires grinding or sanding the granite surface, can also be done but it may damage the granite surface. Out of these two, chemical stripping is recommended by experts.

Read on below to learn more about these methods so that you can determine which technique is most appropriate for your needs.

How To Remove Granite Sealer

There are two methods available for removing granite sealer: chemical and mechanical. Below, you will find everything you need to know about each of these processes and how they are done.

Chemical Granite Sealer Removal

Chemically removing granite sealer requires the use of a chemical stripper that has been formulated specifically to remove layers of sealer, as well as paints or varnishes.

What You’ll Need

To remove sealers from granite, here are some top-rated strippers that are available on Amazon:

Sealer stripper

Chemical paint removers or sealer strippers are designed to effectively remove previous layers of sealers on granite. Here are trusted products that you can find on Amazon:

Metal putty knife 

A metal putty knife will efficiently push out excess sealer from the surface of granite so that you could wipe it off afterwards. Below are some recommended putty knives available on Amazon:

Clean cloth

Using a soft, clean cloth is best for cleaning the surface of granite after the sealer has been removed. Amazon has a wide selection of affordable cloths on Amazon:


Getting rid of granite sealers is fairly straightforward even for those who are inexperienced. Here are some general guidelines for most sealer removers, but always be sure to follow precisely what the manufacturer recommends:

  1. Apply a liberal amount of the chemical stripper on the granite surface, spreading it evenly using the putty knife.
  2. Allow it to rest and set, following the manufacturer’s directions.
  3. Once it has set, use the putty knife to gently scrape off the sealer followed by a wipe down using a cloth dampened in water.

Mechanical Granite Sealer Removal

Mechanically removing granite sealer requires sanding or grinding the sealer off the surface with your hands. This method is recommended if you are removing the sealer because there are minor haze or streak marks, whereas chemical stripping is recommended if the affected area is large.

What You’ll Need

Gentle but powerful cleaning scrub

A magic eraser or steel wood pad works best for mechanically removing granite sealer. They are tough yet gentle enough to strip the coating from granite. Here are some recommendations from Amazon. 

Acetone, for stubborn sealer marks

While pure acetone is too harsh for most surfaces, granite is tough enough to withstand it. Acetone is particularly powerful for removing stubborn sealer marks from granite. Amazon has several affordable acetone choices, listed below.

Dish soap for gentle cleaning after acetone application

Gentle dish soap works best for removing any excess acetone from the granite’s surface. 

Below are quality yet affordable dish soap options available on Amazon. 


  1. Use the dry magic eraser or steel wool pad gently, running it across the hazy or streaked areas.
  2. If the sealer marks still can’t be removed, soak up a rag in acetone and run it across the affected area.
  3. Make a solution of 1 teaspoon liquid dish soap with 2 cups of water.
  4. Soak a rag in the soap solution then wipe down the entire surface area of granite.
  5. Use a clean rag to wipe down any excess soap from the granite.


If you have to remove a small portion of sealer from granite surfaces, mechanical removal is the way to go. On the other hand, chemical removal through the use of a stripper is more effective for cleaning a larger surface area.

About the author

Hey, I'm Dale Keese.. thanks for reading.. hopefully this article can save you some time and trouble with your sealing job. I'm also in the process of making some video walk-throughs for youtube so check back soon! thanks

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